Composite Veneers

State-of-the-art techniques and materials provide Dr. Scott with many options to create the one-of-a-kind smile every patient desires. Composite veneers – also called direct resin veneers – are an essential method used to conservatively reshape, brighten, and enhance teeth with little or no tooth preparation. With composite veneers, Dr. Scott has complete control over the artistic design of the teeth, rather than delegating the task to a lab technician. Because composite veneers are created chairside, they yield immediate results and can be placed in a single visit to our Louisville dental office.

How are composite veneers different from porcelain veneers or crowns?

Composite veneers are a conservative solution that is much less invasive than traditional porcelain veneers or crowns. The dentist bonds the composite resin material directly to tooth enamel with little to no removal of healthy tooth structure. Also, porcelain veneers and crowns are made by a lab technician, and the patient must wait for the final restorations to arrive before they can be placed. With composite veneers, Dr. Scott performs the entire procedure chairside, and in a matter of hours, you can enjoy your amazing new smile.

Are composite veneers right for me?

Composite veneers prove a wonderful alternative for many patients, including our younger patients, patients with healthy tooth enamel, and patients with financial concerns. With composite veneers, Dr. Scott can cover stains, correct chips and breaks, reshape teeth, close gaps, and create an overall more appealing smile. After an initial consultation, Dr. Scott can guide you to the right solution for your unique needs.

New Patients Welcome

Call today to reserve your appointment and learn why families have trusted Dr. Scott with their dental care for over three decades. Our Louisville dental office serves Middletown, Prospect, Crestwood, and St. Matthews with high quality dental care.

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The first step toward achieving a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule an appointment. To schedule an appointment, please complete and submit the request form below. Our scheduling coordinator will contact you soon to confirm your appointment.

Please note this form is for requesting an appointment. If you need to cancel or reschedule an existing appointment, or if you require immediate attention, please contact our practice directly.

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